Caroline Couture /Ferris Follies
I began working with a camera when I was 7 years old. Using my family’s VHS recorder, I would create extravagant “dress-up” sets and costumes to go with the improvised news cast, fairytales, and music videos my sisters helped me put together. Likewise, I set up my Barbie dolls in their best clothes and poses to model for my first polaroid camera.
Now, I continue to utilize both filmmaking and photography out of their personal ease of use and ability to convey my idea of the world I want to see and share. I aim for giving everyday life a profound magic; as if still seen through the eyes and imagination and adoration of a fascinated child. I feel as if my art means to help the viewer rediscover the beauty of life and the human need for story-telling. Everything I love must have, or appear to have a story which can be hyperbolized by the romanticism of the mind applied to normal life.
I also attempt to explore the beauty in both the dark and light sides of life through “rose-colored glasses.” Pretending to be another person and living another life in my art is the most honest account of yearning for more variety and the knowledge of others’ lives. However, the message I would mean to convey is not to wish to be someone else, yet rather to be interested in others and live through them, since everyone else lives through each other as means to connect and explore the magic each person finds in their own life.
To exhibit these meanings behind my work, I often am inspired by forests, old architecture, vintage clothing, fairies, tea time, and growing up as a girl.
The theme I constantly live by when creating my art is that magic is in everyday life, and so to find it one must merely look for it.